Node js mongodb tutorial
Node js mongodb tutorial

Restful APIĪ RESTful API is an application program interface that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.

node js mongodb tutorial

In this example you will be providing examples of Creating new data into the database and then Reading the data from the database. It is used to describe the process of having your data persisted into a database. CRUDĬRUD is an acronym that means Create, Read, Update and Delete. After that we will start building our example. It will also show all items that have been entered into the database.īefore we get started I will describe a few terms that you will frequently hear when creating a MEAN stack application.

node js mongodb tutorial

We will be creating a very simple Node application, that will allow users to input data that they want to store in a MongoDB database. In this tutorial I will show you how to use Express.js, Node.js and MongoDB.js.

node js mongodb tutorial

The MEAN stack is used to describe development using MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.jS and Node.js.

Node js mongodb tutorial